Quantum Nutrition Testing

What Is Quantum Nutrition Testing ?

Quantum Nutrition Testing is way to find the CAUSE of a patients problems from a distance. It is based on muscle testing and applied Kinesiology. Quantum Nutrition Testing is a form of Nutrition Response Testing that is a non-invasive way of analyzing the body to determine the root cause of health issues. QNT can be used for a wide range of health conditions, including digestive issues, hormonal imbalances, autoimmune disorders, allergies, and fatigue. The technique can help to identify the root causes of these conditions and provide targeted support to help the body heal naturally. I am not interested in masking or covering up symptoms but rather looking for the exact causes. By using the body’s own muscle response against multiple stressors, we can determine what might be affecting your health. When exposed to certain stressors the body is going to give a response, usually in the form of muscle “weakness”. If there is a stressor such as a food sensitivity or an immune response, the body is going to give a weak response. This weak response tells the practitioner that there is a problem with that organ or gland. Common stressors that we see are food, chemicals, parasites, mold, metals, radiation, hormones, toxins and stress. Once we determine which areas of the body are being affected, we can use muscle testing to determine which supplements will best support the body. Using your own body as a response allows us to make a program that is personalized for you! Each program and protocol are custom to the individual.  It is not a “one size fits all” approach at Cellular Release Healing.